Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What we want Ultimately???

The day we are born, we start learning from the people around us. Also we learn many things experiencing and trying by ourselves. Such as we try to catch fire and our hands get burnt, so we analyze and conclude, we should not touch fire.

I remember a moment when I ate a blade once and I learnt I should never eat this thing again. :P

Then we start going to school. There we start learning the habits from our friends. And our parents keep telling us what is good and what is bad by telling many short stories. So, we start analyzing the things.

As like most of the parents, my parents left the decision on me after 10th, which stream I should choose: mathematics or biology. CA, bba, journalism…..were out of question that time, because I am from Bihar. Here some years back, only two options were available for us, either you become an engineer or a doctor. But now the scenario has changed too much :) these days.

Now again time came when I had to take decision, which stream. Now again in everybody’s life, there are some people which influence our decisions. As I had a friend Nishant, who influenced a lot in my life. He used to be too much interested in computers and internet. And used to show me his soap and detergent experiments. So, me too started doing some experiments.

Finally I selected computer science, but when I came back home, people started scaring me and made me do analysis…and finally I landed to ece, this decision was also based on numerous facts, my likes and analysis.

Now after engineering, again the time came to haunt me by question…what’s next? Mba, mtech, ms or continue in software , which was my dream when I was in class 9. Or psu jobs, what people around me say, this is the best job.

Now, lets come to the foremost and biggest question: what we want actually??

  • Do I want to earn lot of money above 15lakh pa salary.
  • Or I want to do all things which I have thought, my hobbies like dancing, singing, skating, swimming, playing tabla and so on.
  • Or I should start business of my own which I thought after reading books :stay hungry stay foolish” and “connecting the dots”.
  • Or I get a psu job, which the people around me say, it’s the best.

So, what are the factors, I should account while taking the decision. Somewhere I had read, what you want: respect in society, peace of mind then  go for psu or mtech or if you want too much money but no life go for mba.

I am quite stubborn, I guess.. I can’t believe these fact without experiencing and observing by myself, so still I am in dilemma and left the decision over time.